Hulkbuster Shipping Updates
Dated: 18 Sept 2018
Some collectors have been posting photos of our XM Hulkbuster and we know many of you are anxious to know when you will receive yours. There are a total of 999 numbered editions produced and this is one of our most complicated, large and crazily detailed pieces so we will admit Hulkbuster takes a longer time to produce and ship out. At the time of writing this notice, we have stocks in our warehouse but because we are opening every single piece again to check for fittings and that the rich metallic paint finishing is satisfactory. This is especially so for a piece so large and expensive to ship around hence we are taking extra care in ensuring only good pieces are shipped out.
There are also 2 weather related events that have caused substantial delays. The metallic paint finish requires a special process that is affected by weather and humidity. Last couple of months, the weather in the factory area has been more wet and humid, this causes issues with getting a clean shiny paint effect as small bubbles may form from the natural condensation and fluctuating temperature differences. This meant product for the pieces slowed down tremendously over the last couple of months.
Recently in the last week or so, there have been extreme weather conditions causing floods - literally up to the height level of a car, disrupting factory operations with power outages and staff logistics issues. The 2 weather related events have delayed our production line by about 3-4 months.
We know many customers are anxious to know exact dates of when they can recieve Hulkbuster but we are unable to provide each and every customer with the exact date as we prepare shipping in batches, split evenly for countries and our distributors also have their own logistics operations and scheduling. We estimate requiring another 4 to 8 months to complete shipping out all orders.
We seek your kind understanding and patience - your Hulkbuster will get to you, just a little longer and you will receive this work of love.